< Przejdź do Helmar Measurement Systems

Narda PMM BL-01 dwubiegunowa antena 30MHz-6GHz

Narda PMM BL-01 dwubiegunowa antena 30MHz-6GHz, foto 1Narda PMM BL-01 dwubiegunowa antena 30MHz-6GHz, foto 2Narda PMM BL-01 dwubiegunowa antena 30MHz-6GHz, foto 3
Narda PMM BL-01 dwubiegunowa antena 30MHz-6GHz
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Narda PMM BL-01 dwubiegunowa antena 30MHz-6GHz - opis

BL-01 is a Bi-Conical Log-periodic antenna designed for radiated emissions and immunity testing that can be used in conjunction with any receiver or spectrum analyzer.

Its ideal companion is the EMI Receiver Unit 9060, which can be easily mounted on the antenna mast.

The BL-01 is also available in practical Antenna system:

    AS-07, 30 MHz – 6 GHz
    AS-08, 30 MHz – 18 GHz